Fantastic Golden Mask One 15 LITE: Powerful and Easy to Use!

Metal detector Golden Mask One 15 Lite

300.00 € buy now pay later

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The Golden Mask One 15 LITE is the perfect detector for metal detecting novices!

Thanks to its 15 kHz frequency, features amazing performances on coins and relic hunting, even the smallest and tinyest on every kind of soil.

It has an incredible iron discrimination with a bar graph and it's easy to use.

Supplied with the 9x10" DD coil, the Golden Mask One 15 LITE is ideal for searching in:

  • Countryside
  • Woods
  • Ploughed fields

Thanks to the high-resolution bar graph and a double-digit VDI indication, the identification of the targets will be really ultra precise!

Standard Equipment

  • Metal Detector One 15 Lite
  • 9x10" DD coil
  • Coil cover
  • Rechargeable 3000 mAh LiPo
  • Battery Charger


  • Great for beginners
  • Hi-Res Bars discrimination
  • Simple and powerful

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Metal detector Golden Mask One 15 Lite

300.00 €

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