Allblack Pickaxe S40 - Recovery tool for metal detector seekers

Pickaxe S40

49.00 € buy now pay later

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With the very robust All Black S40 Pickaxe pulling your targets from extremely hard terrain will no longer be a problem!

Thanks to it you will speed up and make recovery operations easier, and thanks to its unusual lightness it will be easy to carry it with you during long walks through the woods.

An excavation tool innovative for its technical characteristics, which certainly cannot be missing in your arsenal.

Tech Specs

  • The pickaxe is made of 3 mm thick stainless steel.
  • The total length is: 40 cm
  • Length of the head of the pickaxe: 20.8 cm
  • The wide side of the tip: 4.1 cm
  • The narrow side of the tip: 1.8 cm
  • This pickaxe is laser cut
  • Comfortable rubber grip
  • Sustainable quality
  • Weight: 615g

Why buy an axe?

  • To speed up target digging in compact terrain
  • To have more control over the excavation
  • For its compact size, easy to backpack


  • Incredibly robust
  • Ergonomic rubber handle
  • Very light

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Pickaxe S40

49.00 €

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