21 articles

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  • Viola's fever

    Just a century ago, year plus year less, the world was literally brought to its knees by one of the most terrible pandemics ever: the Spanish flu or Spanish fever. Do not worry friends, it is [...]

  • Christmas 1914

    Christmas is approaching and with the occasion I want to tell you a story that speaks of the Holy Day. 25 December 1914, Western Front. The German fury has clashed with the solid resistance [...]

  • The Moro Frun

    Here we have the "mende", which in Italian can be translated as family nicknames. Frun was the menda given to the Faccin, a family of Borso del Grappa, a quiet village at the foot of the [...]

  • Cartuccia

    Last time I told you about Mario, the recoverer who died of war ten years after the end of the war. Today I will tell you about the Cartuccia. We understood that the recoverers, without [...]

  • Mario's history

    Mario was born up there on that mountain. As a child he had taken the cows to pasture, then he had shot the strips, then he had returned to the Marisa his wife when the strips had returned to [...]

  • Introduction

    Just a century ago, year plus year less, the most terrible of the wars ever fought up to that moment ended. They called it the Great War, with the intent of making the world understand that [...]

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