- -20%

The Ultimate 13" is considered an absolute reference among metal detector coils.
Developed by Bulgarian company Detech in collaboration with major metal detector manufacturers, it is probably the best coil ever designed on the market.
It provides an increase in depth, stability, power, sensitivity and target separation capacity up to more than 30-50% more than the standard supplied search coils.
Fully compatible with the White's Coinmaster, it will take your metal detector performances to another level!
The Ultimate 13" DD coil is fully waterproof and it's equipped with a coil cover and the fixing screw.
Compared to classic DD coils, Ultimate 13" has the following advantages:
Data sheet
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Il Metal Detecting: Tante scoperte inaspettate
Anche se la maggior parte delle scoperte riguarda oggetti comuni, c’è sempre la possibilità di trovare qualcosa di davvero prezioso, come monete antiche, anelli d’oro o cimeli storici. Alcuni professionisti hanno fatto scoperte che sono finite nei musei o che hanno un valore economico considerevole.