Detech Ultimate 13" DD coil for Nokta Simplex
  • -47.00 €

Nokta Search Coil Ultimate 13" DD for Simplex

175.00 €
222.00 €
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The Ultimate 13" is the absolute reference between the metal detector coils.
Developeb by Bulgarian manufacturer Detech, in cooperation with other major detector companies, is probably the best designed coil on the market.

It features an increase in depth, stability, power, sensitivity and target separation more over than 30-50% compared to stock coils.

Available for:

To work correct, the metal detector must be updated to V2.77 - V2.78 software release.

The Ultimate 13" DD is completely waterproof and includes a coil cover.

Compared to classic DD coils, Ultimate 13” has these advantages:

  • Polymer coated, to better absorb mechanical shock and vibration, fiber-glass reinforced.
  • Very stable operations
  • Incredible depth gain
  • Better target identification
  • Allows more productive hunts

The Expert’s Comment

  • State-of-the-art Depth
  • Light and robust, suitable for any kind of search
  • Amazing stability to minimize false signals
  • Excellent ground coverage


  • For Nokta Simplex+
  • Outstanding depth
  • Top Precision and stability

Data sheet

Detector Type
610 gr.
Coil Cover
Nokta|Makro Simplex+
Excellent depth and increased scanning area
2 Years

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Nokta Search Coil Ultimate 13" DD for...

222.00 € 175.00 €

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