- -179.00 €

The new Apex with Viper coil is now in promo complete with everything you need for top research, and take your entertainment to the max!
Based on the innovative Multi-Flex simultaneous multifrequency technology, the GARRETT ACE APEX offers unimaginable performance to date for detectors in its price range.
More depth, more responsiveness, more versatility and an incredible ability to discriminate and manage the most difficult terrains.
With the new Ace Apex, you can choose whether to use the detector with one of 4 powerful single frequencies (5, 10, 15 and 20 kHz) to have maximum detection power on specific targets or choose one of the simultaneous multifrequency modes for maximum versatility and flexibility of search with great depth and responsiveness on all types of targets and terrain.
The Garrett APEX is also equipped with the MULTI-SALT multifrequency mode, ideal for salt water search for maximum depth even in the shoreline or with submersed coil.
The detector is equipped with the 6"x11" DD Viper coil, fully immersive and has a back-lit display that is rain, dust and salt-proof. Lightweight, is the lightest metal detector available today on the world market in its category.
Common single-frequency metal detectors transmit, receive and analyze signals using, as it is easy to guess, just one frequency, chosen by the manufacturer based on the particular characteristics that you want to give to the model.
Detectors designed to search for large objects will most likely use a low frequency (3-5 kHz) while, for example, coin-oriented machines will have an intermediate frequency (7-15 kHz) or even specific machines for small gold nuggets prospecting will have a high frequency (30-60 kHz).
Some newly built detectors allow the user to choose one between a set of frequencies (usually 3 or 4, between low, intermediate and high), so that the instrument can be optimized according to specific needs. These detectors are usually called Plurifrequency.
Their limit lies in the fact that it will be a user responsibility to choose the most suitable frequency, but it is not possible then to know which types of targets are buried in the ground.
Here the best solution is given to us by the detectors that use a Simultaneous Multifrequency!
These machines are able to transmit, receive and analyze 2 or more (up to tens!) frequencies AT THE SAME TIME!
Buried targets will then be analyzed by both low, intermediate and high frequencies, in a completely automatic, fast and efficient way, thus providing the best ability to detect and identify targets compared to silgle or plurifrequency models.
In addition, Simultaneous Multifrequency will be able to excellently reduce the disturbances of mineralization, both ferrous and saline.
Data sheet
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Il Metal Detecting: Un viaggio nel passato
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